
Cameras present a scene from a particular point of view.

  • To create camera: Main menu > Create > Camera.
  • To activate camera: select camera, in Object menu, select Activate camera.
  • To switch from free to target camera just select target object in Target control.
  • To make camera free, just remove target node.

Properties of Camera.

Type Perspective or Orthogonal camera
FOV Field of view in degree
Diameter Diameter of view volume
FOV Type Measurement of FOV/Diameter: horizontal, vertical, diagonal or maximum/minimum from width/height
From Position (from) of camera in local coordinate system
To Target (to) camera point in local coordinate system
Up Up camera point in local coordinate system
Far Clip Far clipping plane. Negative value means automatic calculation
Near Clip Near clipping plane. Negative value means automatic calculation
Target Target follow to object. If specified, camera will follow this object
Up Target Target up object. If specified, camera up direction will follow this object
Roll Roll is an angle of camera rotation about its line of sight

See Also

In this article